Michael Strassner: Filmmaker/Actor

Michael Strassner: Filmmaker/Actor

What do you love most about filmmaking?

I love that it is possible. That all you need is a crazy group of people willing to do it with you. And then while going on this journey with each other you get to create something that lasts forever in time. 

What are some films that have inspired your work?
Some films that have inspired my work are Lost In Translation, Life Aquatic, Groundhog Day...sensing a theme here...I love Bill Murray movies, who the hell doesn't. But I also get super inspired by the Duplass brothers films because they really make you feel like if filmmaking is what you want to do with your life, you can. 
Tell us about a recent or upcoming project?
I recently released a short film called g r a c e on my instagram. It is one of the most personal films I have ever done because it deals with Addiction. The shoot was two days back in my hometown of Baltimore, and it was just me and my producer/ DP Dave Bonnett. I couldn't be more proud of how the film turned out and the reaction to it. 
What is the main life lesson you have learned from filmmaking?
That anything is possible in life, you just need to do it. 
Instagram: @strasshola


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