Being Exactly Where You Are Meant To Be

There is nothing more beautiful than witnessing a human be exactly where they are meant to be. Not to be confused with where that person is “supposed to be,” “ought to be,” or “needs to be.” Furthermore, notice I did not include “want to be'' in the previous sentence because when a person is exactly where they are meant to be, they are where they want to be. In fact, they are where they have wanted to be sometimes their entire life. Unfortunately, some people never know, find, or make it to where they are meant to be because the “supposed,” “ought,” and “need” muddied their vision and ability to hear their own inner voice. The reality is, what we as people are supposed, ought, and need to do, dictate a majority of our lives, which adds even more glory and beauty to the moments when we are exactly where we were always meant to be.
Every person’s destiny is completely unique in relation to every other person that will ever exist. So where one person is in their pursuit is not worth comparing to yours, by any means. As a matter of fact comparing yourself to others is inherently toxic and counterproductive to your journey towards your life’s purpose. Let others only inspire you, because unlike comparison, inspirational situations are the whispers and nudges the universe has sent you to keep you moving down your individually paved path towards your destiny. When you are exactly where you are meant to be, it may not necessarily make sense to anyone else. It might seem crazy, or stupid to most, but to you, nothing has ever made more sense.
My favorite example for this particular phenomenon is when Alex Honnold free climbed the 3,000-foot El Capitan in Yosemite without a rope. For most people, and more specifically, any other human being ever, the idea itself and/or execution of the idea are completely ludicrous. No other professional climber even has the desire to repeat that, even after he’s already accomplished it (at least at the moment). That is mainly because it is simply no other climber’s actual destiny to do such a thing. Many climbers are better or stronger in the type of climbing that they do. The same way Shaq should not be shooting 3 pointers the way Steph Curry does. They are both pros in the same sport but they’re destiny within that is completely different and must be honored within them.
If you were to see another person attempt to free climb El Cap without a rope, chances are you would witness them become extremely fearful. You’d be able to notice that fear in their body movement and they would likely die because they found themselves in a place that they were never meant to be. Being in a place that you were never meant to be is the exact opposite of being where you were meant to be and instead of beauty, there are tragic dire consequences. For Alex Honnold, there was no fear. Part of that is because he was heading toward this moment for 20 years.
The endless sacrifices he made in life to climb at that high of a level was all preparing him for the event he was destined for. Even though the circumstance was unbelievably outrageous, he was exactly where he was meant to be. Luckily for us, that beautiful moment in time was captured for us all to be awe inspired by it.
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